Thursday, May 2, 2024

National Poetry Day Competition Winners

Huzzah! It’s National Poetry Day, the day to lyrically lilt along tersely versing and timing your rhymes.  Tis the day to recite some Green Eggs and Ham, Sam-I-am.  Or else misquoth some Shakespeare, dance some Dickinson around the office, and make the bus the Ning Nang Nong, where the cows go bong and the monkeys all say boo.

As you are rapping about your breakfast, instead of Instagramming it, here are some poems you will never have seen before.  These are the winners of Nailed’s Poetry Competition.

The topic for National Poetry Day this year is “change”.

Congratulations to all our winners.

In the vastly superior category of Children, the winner is…..Freddie Heard .  Freddie is 8.

Poor Little Mouse
Poor little mouse scuttling on the ground
He might be lost but soon found,
He saw some food it looked so good,
Now he’s full,
He looks so dull,
Fat little mouse
Couldn’t move for a grouse,
Down came the Fox
Faster than an Ox

Poor little mouse.


The Adult winners are Vivienne G Tillin, and Richard Pinkett.

A New Normal! by Vivienne G Tillin



It came in a flash, unexpected.

Happenstance not self-led!


To begin with pain, numbness, a blank mind;

Concern from others and a flurry of activity followed, an interest, questions;

Empathy, sympathy, explanations (or not);

Reliance on others, then gradual quietening – grief for what was, not is;

Slow recovery, the faithful few remain.



Learning to adapt, to decide what is not necessary, to say ‘it’s good enough’;

Trying to stop the mind from going back, to prevent the change from happening!

Now, a new normal!


(Untitled) by Richard Pinkett
Protected by their concrete and steel
Do our masters know how we truly feel
Politics and lies, politics and lies
In the ruins of Douma another child dies
We never learn, stop playing their game
Biafra, Rohingya, Syria its just the same
Politicians posture and stride the floor,
Millions have died but still they want more.
Have these words your thoughts revised?
Remember good people…….
The next ‘Revolution will not be Televised’

Clare Washbrook

Current Editor-in-Chief News and magazine editor since 1995 Post-grads: Literature; Theatre; Journalism, Ethics & Law Community Affiliations: Belper Goes Green, Belper's WW1 Poppies, Amber Valley Solidarity No political party memberships/affiliations.

One thought on “National Poetry Day Competition Winners

  • Vivienne Tillin

    A little late in responding but I would like to say thank you for choosing my poem ‘A new normal’ to be a winner. I can’t believe that happened, but the proof is in the printing, thank you.
    I have had numerous friends on FB congratulating me – what a boost!
    Vivienne Tillin

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